I warmly welcome you to the unique experience in store for you at HCET. We, at HCET, are dedicated to provide a world-class learning environment that will inspire our students to reach their full potential.And let nothing stop them from chasing their dreams
Welcome to Heera College of Engineering and Technology. The transition from school to college is a very big step in life. The students put in so much hard work in public exams, spent sleepless nights, earned a rewarding score, and with the blessings of parent/guardian joins the chosen stream of education to realize their life-ambition and set the foundation for their future. The energetic environment which we provide will charge up the students to achieve their dream with confidence like never before.
Today the need has been greater for a skilled workforce across many industries in order to stay competitive in an increasingly global and technological marketplace. Our institution always nurtures career, character and conduct enhancement and promotional life skill development of genuine aspirants so that they can harmonize themselves with the global context. It is the career path that the students have now embarked upon, which will be a remarkable journey in itself that will prepare them for a life beyond college. We hope to make the journey with us, engaging, encouraging and enlivening as ever, for them to grow as a thorough individual, ready to take on life as an adult. We pray and will work with students to see them become one with the society where their contribution will make a definitive difference to our world. I wish all the very best.