Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Cell
Passionate about everything we do
We commit ourselves wholeheartedly to everything we do. We approach our work with enthusiasm, energy and positivity. We do what we do because we love it and this passion shines through.
Take ownership
We take responsibility and never walk on by. We are proactive – focusing only on solutions instead of problems.
To be an internationally recognized & innovative centre of excellence in engineering, technology, research & development, thereby making us a preferential-choice for ambitious and talented prospective students
Quality policy
Imparting quality education in Engineering & Technology in line with the current trends through continual improvement of skills, infrastructure and teaching-learning process for moulding the students to be professionally and ethically competent to contribute for the overall advancement of the nation as well as the global community.
To achieve 100% placement for students through dedication, attitude and complete involvement is our mission. Training and Placement Cell arranges and coordinates various programs that aim at molding the students so as to meet the expectations in career building and in turn bring glory to the parent institution. So we organize common placement programs and guide the students for campus recruitments conducted in universities and other reputed institutions.